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Window Cleaning West Auckland

It’s one thing to wipe the insides of your windows. It’s quite another to clean them on the outside.
Window cleaning is the kind of job most people don’t give much thought to, until one day they suddenly realise how filthy their windows have become. This often presents a problem.
Most dirty marks tend to be on the outside of windows, and New Zealand’s huge number of two-storey houses means that cleaning them safely and effectively is impossible for even the most dedicated homeowner.
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Do I need a professional window cleaner?

It depends on your house, the state of your health, and how much time and energy you’re willing to spend on what can often be a frustrating task when it’s not done with professional equipment.

Window cleaning is a bit like washing a roof. In theory, anyone can do it. But not many people feel great about the idea of clambering up on a roof, and not many know how to do the job safely and effectively. And it’s the same with windows. Even one-storey houses often require a good deal of agility for a thorough clean from top to bottom.
Do I need a professional window cleaner?
Window cleaning

There are three common reasons people ask us for help:

They’re concerned about quality
They want the job to be done extremely well, either for their own satisfaction or to make a great impression on visitors and prospective buyers.

They’re concerned about safety
They don’t want to risk aiming for those hard-to-reach windows, so they choose to give this task to an experienced specialist who can take every necessary safety precaution.

They have better things to do
Spending half a day cleaning all your windows might seem like a good way to economise, but many of our clients understand that they could be using this time in better ways – either by focusing on their own work, or relaxing with family over the weekend.

We offer window cleaning services that fit your needs and your schedule

Whether you want a combined external and internal clean, or just an external clean, we can help. For a perfect finish, you could ask about our most comprehensive package, which includes window frames and window sills.

Our working hours are flexible enough to fit around your schedule. If you’d prefer to get your windows cleaned during the weekend so you don’t have to take time off work, we’d be happy to do that for you.

Contact us today to arrange your free assessment and quote. We’re always happy to come to you.
Window cleaning

Let’s make it easy. Get in touch for a quote today.

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